Monday, May 18, 2009

Look Mom, I'm blogging!

Wow, so I'm gonna start blogging! I'm not really sure why. It's not like there is probably anyone
(well maybe a few!) who really care or need to hear what I have to say! I worry about becoming a blogger, because I don't wanna be that person who believes "I'm important, and people need to hear what I have to say". I guess I just want to have a spot where I can post random thoughts! Maybe my kids will believe me, and do what I say if they see it in print!! I really do enjoy reading other people's blogs. I'm kind of an information gatherer, and a naturally nosy person, who enjoys hearing whats happening in other folks lives. Actually I'm one of those supposedly rare people who love reading the "Christmas letters" that people send out. I don't mind people reading about what happened in the last year, or the writer bragging about their children, and their jobs, and their vacations!! I like to hear about that stuff! So anyways, we will see what happens with this blog. There probably are a million new blogs a year, and about 100 of them actually blog regularly. So hopefully you'll hear from me soon! Look Mom, I'm on the computer!

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